Amatzia is a visiting professor from Eilat, Israel, on 2 years of Sabbatical leave at CRE (November 2018 – September 2020)
I am a marine ecologist and biological oceanographer. My major interest is in the coupling between physical and biological processes in the marine environment, focusing on the effects of water motion on fundamental ecological processes, including predator-prey relationships, competition, symbiosis, mass transfer, and behavior. Research at my lab is process-oriented and inter-disciplinary, addressing mechanisms that operate at levels ranging from the individual to the ecosystem. Most of my studies are based on field experiments involving advanced technologies and novel approaches.
I completed my BSc (1977) and MSc (1981) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and PhD (1987) at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UC San Diego, USA. I have been a faculty at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a resident researcher at the InterUniversity Institute for Marine Sciences of Eilat (IUI) since 1987. In the past 6 years (2012-2018) I was the scientific director of the IUI.